Autumn 2012 Nail Trends and Learn how to achieve these Fab Nails
Where did you train to do nails?
I trained with the amazing Kym and Kay of Aspire to Beauty in Hertfordshire.They have both been in the industry for over 20 years and have worked on all the best fashion shows, including Alexander McQueen. They were so down to earth, incredibly talented and a massive inspiration to me.
How long have you been doing it for?
It definitely wasn't as easy as it looked, but I had a lot of fun playing with polish and painstakingly painting onto my nails before I discovered nail art pens! I even painted the London eye on my nail once... Using a toothpick!
Worked with/for any famous people and brands?
One of the most fun jobs I did this summer was assisting Jenny Longworth at the Isle of White festival with Revlon.
What's your favorite job/look?
What's on-trend for nails coming into a/w '12... Shape, colour, art...
Iridescent colours and shimmery textures are really making a come back. Topshop does a great range. Rich shimmery oranges and greens are the best for autumn, bright creme colours are over, there is a certain shade of bright blue polish that i see everywhere and it really makes me cringe!
What are you going to demo for us?
I am really into simple graphics, You can achieve pretty much anything with black and white polishes, a dotting tool and a striper brush.
Anything else you'd like to add?

- Paint each nail a different pastel colour.
- Use your dotting tool, or a nail art pen, with the white nail polish to paint five small dots in a semi circle at the side of the nail.
- Using your dotting tool create another row of four dots, in above and between the first row.
- To create smaller dots, ease off the pressure on your dotting tool and very lightly add four more polish dots to create "rays"
- Repeat steps 2-4 on the other side of the nail.
- Using the brush straight from the white polish, carefully place a drop of polish on the nail to create a circle.
- Using the dotting tool or the nail art pen paint small dots around the large circle.
- Using the technnique from the first nail, add more dots and rays.
- On the thumb carefully use the large brush from the white polish to paint a semi circle and a circle.
- Use your dotting tool or nail art pen to add white dots along the edge of the circle and semi circle.
- Add more dots to create a starburst.

Play around with different combinations and sizes of dots to create fun patterns.
You can add more interest to your nail art by using the same technique to add little black dots inbetween the white dots.